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music from the film

original music composed by Pascal Braule.

17 minutes of music composed for the film.


website (coming soon)
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the song "Le Vin de Clinton" by Gilbert Maurin

Gilbert MAURIN has had a passion for writing songs for a very long time. He sings his own songs generally alone with his guitar and mainly in the Avignon region where he is known. When he goes further, he prefers to sing songs on the theme of wine. "... At least there are always a few drunks to come and listen to me ..."

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the song "Se beviam tornar" (end credits) by the group Duo Caleo

Céline Klisinski : vocals, guitar
Hervé Robert : vocals, guitar, violin

The duo Calèu was formed in 2011 from the desire to set poets of Occitan expression to music. The duo would have in their DNA a little of the heritage of the Troubadours, with a touch of fado in Celine's voice, let breathe an ancient air in that of Hervé.

The guitars intermingle, the violins bring forth colors, the duo Calèu sings and enchants the Languedoc poets ...

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